Member Spotlight

Laurie Schneider

When you ask people the question, “What’s your earliest Jewish experience?” the answers will of course be varied. For Laurie Schneider, it was as a young toddler sitting in a balcony next to her mom, grandmother, and aunt with all the men, including her brother, sitting down below at the Orthodox synagogue where her Hungarian Continue Reading »

Eugene & Shirley Ross

Shirley had been on a work-study program for a year to Israel after graduating high school and when she came back to the United States she told her parents that she was seriously thinking of making aliyah (immigrating) to Israel.  Her mother was aghast at the notion and came up with a plan.  She started Continue Reading »

The Netzer Family

We kick off the New Year with spotlighting Lee and Elaine Netzer, who were drawn to Temple Beth David in 2005 due to the warmth of its mid-size congregation. Though born Jewish, Elaine was not exposed to any religious practices as a child. Now, she is making up for lost time by embracing the faith. Continue Reading »

The Duclos Family

  Their story could read like a captivating screen play. He, Frederic, lived nearly 6,000 miles away in France. She, Karen, lived in North America having moved to Huntington Beach from Brooklyn when she was five. He went to a Catholic boarding school for eight years; she, raised as a Conservadox Jew, attended the Hebrew Academy for several years Continue Reading »

The Alban Family

“She fell in love with corned beef…and with corny Jon!” says husband Jon Alban of his beshert wife Marcela who he met while out with his parents at the Jerry’s Deli in Costa Mesa.  (She was dining with a girlfriend at a close by table.)  One year later they were engaged and within four months married.  The wedding specifically Continue Reading »

The Schwartz Family

One of the many wonderful things about Temple Beth David is how easy it is for members to volunteer their talents for anything they would like to do that contributes towards a better TBD experience.  This month’s member spotlight, Don and Gloria Schwartz, are a couple who through their talents and contributions make TBD an Continue Reading »

Marvin & Evelyn Marshall

Many throughout the world know Marvin and Evelyn Marshall as prolific writers.  The two, who have been married for 57 years, are also generous members of Temple Beth David and their lives tell a wonderful story. Evelyn, a first generation American, was raised in the Reform movement by parents of Russian ancestry. To them Judaism Continue Reading »

Robin Hoffman

Congratulations to Robin Hoffman!  She is now Rabbi Robin Hoffman.  In ceremonies held in Los Angeles in June, she, and seven of her fellow classmates, were granted Smicha (ordination) by the Academy for Jewish Religion, CA (AJRCA), a transdenominational rabbinic school dedicated to training men and women to become spiritual leaders to serve all Jews and Continue Reading »

Judy Turner

This is a story of overcoming obstacles, of hope and determination, and finding one’s self…and even more importantly, learning to like one’s self. I’m honored to spotlight Judy (Tobias) Turner this month. May is the perfect time to feature her story as spring brings new blossoms and once dormant plants now burst with color.  Judy will Continue Reading »

The Korn Family

Recently, we had a speaker at temple who addressed the topic “Why do Jews excel in life?” One factor cited was the positive impact a strong family unit has on one’s ability to succeed. Such is the case for the Korn family, temple members since 2004. Jerrold, Ellen, and daughter Marissa continue to make their Continue Reading »