Member Spotlight

The Semmelman Family

Elliot and Keri Gee Semmelman live a life of love and love the life they live.  If you have attended any Temple Beth David events in the last seven years since they joined, you have probably been greeted very warmly by them and their precious daughter Aubree as they are very active in our synagogue. Their Continue Reading »

Yehuda & Mary Treiger

It takes one to know one. They both are kind. They both have a deep love for Israel. And, they both know what it is like to find love again…with the second time around finding their beshert. So is the beautiful lives of Yehuda and Mary Treiger, members of our temple since 2012. Mary was Continue Reading »

Marlene Wedner

Marlene Wedner, an only child, was also the only Jewish kid growing up in the small Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania town of Bridgeville.  When a classmate made a negative comment about her being Jewish, her reply was, “I don’t think you understand what being Jewish is” – and she’d go on to explain it.  Her parents owned Continue Reading »

The Schiffer Family

It says something when you grow up going to a temple and then as an adult you decide to come back to raise your own family. Eric Schiffer went to religious school, was Bar Mitzvahed by beloved Rabbi Henry Front, and was confirmed at Temple Beth David. Experiencing Judaism – especially the big holiday observances Continue Reading »

Jack & Gina Rosenthal

Amid our special congregation at Temple Beth David are members Jack and Gina Rosenthal who joined back in 1987. They both grew up in Chicago with a memorable Jewish upbringing that included going to religious school. Jack was Bar Mitzvahed.  (In those days, even the Reform movement didn’t include girls going through the ritual, Gina Continue Reading »

The Roth Family

This month we introduce you to Jeff and Teri Roth whose lives began on opposite ends of the United States.  Jeff was born and raised in southern California and Teri was from New York yet by kindergarten her family moved to Los Angeles. Judaism was a vibrant part of Jeff’s childhood. He attended Temple Beth Continue Reading »

Scott Telford & Thea Weintraub

Scott Telford and Thea Weintraub share the same caring career as Registered Nurses (RNs).  Scott works for the Department of Mental Health in an outpatient clinic and also part time at a county jail.  Thea works in the psychiatric ER at Harbor UCLA Medical Center.  While they have very common backgrounds as adults, their childhoods were Continue Reading »

Members Love Temple Beth David!

As we continue our membership recruitment/retention campaign through the summer, we decided that instead of spotlighting a member this month — as we have done monthly for more than 3 years now, that we’d share some of the wonderful things our members say about their beloved Temple Beth David. Click for larger image

Max & Florence Sudakow

Even before they met, Max and Florence had a lot of things in common.  Both were born in New York.  Florence grew up in Long Island.  Max was born in Brooklyn, but raised in Miami, Florida and went to college at the University of Miami.  Florence also attended college in Florida, although wound up at Continue Reading »

Lois Gold

Lois Ellen Gold is no stranger to diversity. Whether it pertains to her heritage, residence, or career, she has an entire spectrum worth of experience. Despite all the changes she faced, there has always been a constant that has tied the various threads of her together – education. From both sides, Lois Ellen comes from Continue Reading »