Rabbi’s Messages

Hand Crafted Judaism

Posted on August 29, 2019

As of late, I’ve been noticing a lot of hand crafted items.  I’ve seen hand crafted cocktails with homemade flavored syrups and unique herbs such as lavender.  Burgers are made with fresh beef and savory and even funky toppings such as fried eggs and whiskey sauce.  I even saw a restaurant with hand craft Pho Continue Reading »

Youth are doing Jewish this Summer

Posted on July 3, 2019

Youth are doing Jewish this summer July/ August megillah 2019 Going away to overnight Jewish camp has been recognized as a great way to inculcate Jewish values and strong identities in youth.  On ReformJudaism.org, it’s written, “Jewish summer camps fuse the activities, friendships, and communal life of traditional camps with the Jewish values, role models Continue Reading »

Celebrating our synagogue

Posted on May 5, 2019

May/June 2019 It’s nice to look back on this past year.  Our High Holy Days were beautiful with the voices of our choir and Cantor Linder.  Music always has and continues to be our forte.  Coming together for Lay led minyan on Saturday morning is a wonderful opportunity to connect with others in an intimate Continue Reading »

 Is it Kosher for Passover?

Posted on April 4, 2019

“And you shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread; for in this same day have I brought your ranks out of the land of Egypt; therefore shall you observe this day in your generations by an ordinance forever. In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened Continue Reading »

The Fun of Purim

Posted on March 4, 2019

There is no doubt that of all our festivals, Purim is the most joyous.  What other holiday can kids, as well as adults, dress up in costume, act irreverently, laugh, get a little wild, and for adults to have the Mitzvah of drinking alcohol?  I’m not joking; it is literally a Mitzvah, a commandment, to Continue Reading »

What would you do with an extra month?

Posted on February 1, 2019

An extra month?  How about a few more hours or a couple of days to get things done, see people, and live?  That sounds so good.  Some people are fortunate to receive bonuses for good work.  What if there was a time bonus?  That you were given some additional days or even a few weeks!  Continue Reading »

For the love of nature and trees

Posted on January 1, 2019

Dec/Jan. 2018-2019 Rabbi’s article I’m most at peace when I’m outside.  I love the swell of the ocean waves, the perspective I get on top of a mountain, the beauty of my flowering plants, and viewing different kinds of trees.  I have a Jacaranda and Mulberry tree out front.  In the late spring, I get Continue Reading »

Send your kids to Jewish Overnight Camp

Posted on November 6, 2018

Friday night, Nov 2, we are celebrating our Jewish overnight campers!  This past summer, Jacob Cantus attended 6 Points Sci-Tech in Los Angeles. McKenzie Pantel attended Habonim Camp Gilboa. Evan and Sean Greenberg, Kai & Ari Fitzer, Shane Prunty, Elizabeth Halbreich, Jessa Kleinman, and Juneau Resnick attended Camp Newman. All of them will share their experiences at our Kindergarten/First grade Family service.  Jewish Continue Reading »

Meet our new Jewish School Director – Jill Jacobs

Posted on October 6, 2018

Jill has just started at Temple Beth David as our new Jewish school director. She comes in with a fresh perspective and many wonderful ideas on how to reinvigorate our school. She initially suggested instead of calling our sessions on Sunday, “Religious school” and on Tuesday, “Hebrew school” to call it all by the same name, “Jewish school.” Personally, Continue Reading »

Meet our new Jewish School Director – Jill Jacobs

Posted on September 6, 2018

Jill has just started at Temple Beth David as our new Jewish school director. She comes in with a fresh perspective and many wonderful ideas on how to reinvigorate our school. She initially suggested instead of calling our sessions on Sunday, “Religious school” and on Tuesday, “Hebrew school” to call it all by the same name, “Jewish school.” Personally, Continue Reading »