Benefits of Membership

Benefits of Membership

Membership allows you all of these benefits; Come experience the new and revived experience at Temple Beth David:

  • Family: At Beth David, you can be yourself, being ‘me’ and part of ‘we’.  We cherish our relationships with one another across generational lines and find wisdom, support, care, and love as we enjoy the richness of Judaism together.
  • Acceptance: You are now part of caring community that welcomes people of all ages, orientation, and cultural backgrounds.  Lifelong friendships are made and maintained at Beth David.
  • Positive Spirituality: Uplifting stories, teachings, inspirational messages, and special focus on gratitude at worship.  We have exceptional music through our Cantor, choirs, and musicians that elevate our spirits.
  • Comfort: Spend time in our lounge, get a cup of coffee, and as you recharge your phone, you can charge up your connections with those around you.  Spend some time at our receptions called, ‘oneg’ for fruit, vegetables, cookies, and other goodies.
  • Support: You have a comforting place to say Kaddish on behalf of loved ones, support in times of loss, and access to our caring clergy for good times and for times of challenge.
  • Unplug: Enjoy our unique Body, Mind, & Spirit Shabbat on Saturday mornings. Join us for a hike, kayak, walk on the beach, stand up paddle board, yoga, Zumba, sketching and more.  Spiritual and reflective readings enhance this experience that brings together working on our bodies, engaging our minds, and nourishing our spirits.
  • Volunteer: Get involved with making a difference through our social action, help with our creative programming, welcome new comers, and come to the center of our community.
  • Meaningful lifecycles: Baby namings, excellent Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremonies, Confirmation, and personalized weddings are a highlight of being part of Beth David.
  • Creative: be part of our Purim skit and sing and act your heart out.  Join our choir to sing monthly at our services.  Join our creative holiday observances.
  • Insightful: our programming and adult learning sessions are meant to enhance your knowledge and the quality of your life.
  • Purpose: be part of a people and community that spans generations and links us back through history.  Feel a connection with God, ancient teachings, and be part of the greater community
  • Excellent preschool: our ECLC, Early Childhood Learning Center, prepares your child to excel in elementary school while learning lifelong values.
  • Engaging Jewish school: Our Kindergartens in through tenth grade have an engaging curriculum and teachers committed to inspire strong Jewish identities.
  • Brotherhood/Sisterhood: Complimentary first year for new members to enjoy programming, great food, and friendships.

Furthermore with your membership you are:

  • Able to attend events
  • Congregational rates at national Reform conferences, workshops, and lectures
  • Member rates on adult education activities, Shabbat Dinners and special events
  • Member Ticket(s) to High Holy Day services
  • Access to Beth David’s Community and Professional Directory