

The Library at Beth David is located in the Jewish school/preschool building and has more than 2,000 books available for check-out. The library has an extensive children and teen section as well as fiction, biography and reference sections. The majority of the materials can be found in the non-fiction area and includes books from various subject areas such as biblical texts, Jewish culture, Israel, religious observance and practice, and Jewish history. The library also contains a reading area, and a table with chairs. Adjustable lighting contributes to the warm, welcoming feeling in the newly refurbished and renovated library.

Click here to search the Beth David Library

Check-Out Instructions:

  • Remove the card from the front of the book.
  • Write your name, phone # and due date on the card.
  • Put the card in the front of the check-out box.
  • Take a card from the back of the box.
  •  Write due date on the card
  • Put the card into the book.

Check-In Instructions:

  • Put the book on the black roll-around book truck.

If you have any questions or need any information, please contact Michelle Sandler –