Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

In Judaism, our boys and girls become adults at the age of 13. To celebrate their new responsibilities to God and community, we offer a meaningful Bar/Bat Mitzvah service. After years studying in religious school, our youth begin private tutorial with our Bnei Mitzvah Education Larry Matalon. With gentleness and love of Torah, Larry guides our students through Torah cantillation, Haftarah, and our Shabbat prayers. Our rabbi personally meets with our students and parents for a series of meetings to learn about the Torah portion, draft a D’var Torah (speech), review honors of the service, conduct a full rehearsal and takes the time to get to know each and every student. Our Cantorial Soloist also meets with each family in order to choose musical selections that are meaningful for them. The actual service is led by our Bar/Bat Mitzvah accompanied by music along with our Cantorial Soloist and Rabbi.