Sisterhood Cookin’ Kick-off (everyone is welcome)

Sisterhood Cookin' Kick-off (everyone is welcome)


September 13, 2020    
11:30 am - 1:00 pm


Your House
1234 Your House, Your City, CA, 90000

Event Type

Map Unavailable

Sunday, September 13 – 11:30am to 1pm via Zoom

Cook with Chef Ida Rodriquez of Melissa’s.  She will prepare Celery Root Slaw and Beet and DYP (Dutch Yellow Potato®) Soup.  You can order a box and cook along for a contribution of $18.  Melissa’s is donating the box of food and your contribution will receive donor credit if you are a Sisterhood member.

Register by September 7th for the optional box of food. See the flyer for pick-up instructions. Questions? Email [email protected]
Zoom link will be sent after registration

Register here

Click here for flyer