Tweens & Teens

Tweens & Teens


A place to be yourself

A way to learn leadership

A feeling of being a part of something big and exciting

WAFTY is more than a high school youth group.  It is part of the NFTY (National Federation for Temple Youth) program.  The NFTY program is run by the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism).  The youth program is run entirely by teens.  Teens will experience board meetings, planning sessions, religious activities, social action, new member acquisitions, marketing, and fun.  The teens plan the programs and what will be involved, while the advisor and temple staff make sure the teens have the guidance and supplies that are requested to make every event positive and enjoyable.  WAFTY participates in 5 weekend retreats run by the NFTY organization during each school year. The NFTY retreats are also entirely run by teens and encourage each participant to make friends, lead, be silly, but mostly be themselves.

For more information about Jr. WAFTY and WAFTY, please contact [email protected].