

Foundation Board Members

Howard Spielman President              
Charlie Niederman Vice President
Shirley Ross Treasurer
Ruth Kramer Secretary
Hallie Berman Board Member
Jackie Caplan Wiggins Board Member
Marc Serlin Board Member
Stevens First Principles Financial Advisor

Mission Statement:
The Temple Beth David of Orange County Foundation was established by the Board of Trustees of Temple Beth David in 1992 as an endowment development program to acquire and manage gifts for the benefit of the temple.  This Federally-Qualified Charitable Foundation is dedicated to meeting the needs of Beth David and the greater Jewish community.  Our goal is to preserve Jewish identity and assist temple members to combine their philanthropic interests with their need to accomplish certain tax and estate planning goals.  The Foundation supports the temple’s mission of providing life-long Jewish education and a religious and cultural environment for the congregation.

The purpose of the Foundation is to receive financial gifts and manage endowments made to the Temple Beth David Foundation, separate and apart from the operational funds of the temple.

Board of Directors:
The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors comprised of temple members.  They provide leadership and direction for investment of the endowment portfolio and respond to requests for allocation of earnings.

Investment Strategies:
Donations and bequests are invested principally in conservative government issued long-term financial products and indexed mutual funds.  A professional asset management firm consults with the Foundation Board of Trustees to determine investment strategies.  the earnings from these investments are distributed each year for the expressed purpose of each endowed fund.  Donors are assured that all donated funds are prudently invested to afford a maximum return consistent with sound financial management.

Tax Deductible Contributions:
Possibilities for creative philanthropy through the use of endowment funds are limitless.  The Internal Revenue Service recognizes endowment development programs as valid and appropriate components of charitable organization.  A donor’s participation can provide substantial tax advantages and varied opportunities for giving.

Gifts may be established in the name of the donor, the donor’s family or in memory of loved ones.  Gifts to honor the living, or unrestricted gifts are also accepted by the Foundation.  the Foundation is pleased pleased to assist potential donors explore appropriate uses for income derived from gifts.

The procedure is to establish a fund is not complicated.  A contribution of $10,000 or more in cash or securities is required.  Contributions of cash are tax-deductible up to the maximum amount allowed by law.  Contributions of securities, held by the donor for more than one year, are deductible at the fair market value of the security when donated.  It is always advisable to consult with a tax advisor. 

Click here to learn about the Foundation Funds

Click here to donate