

The Jack Broscow Brotherhood of Beth David is the Temple’s fellowship of men. We are part of the Men of Reform Judaism (MRJ), an independent affiliate of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).  We carry the name of our dedicated and forceful founder, whose family has worshiped at Beth David for three generations.

Our function is to serve the Temple, the community, and Reform Judaism, and also to serve Jewish men by lifting them spiritually, offering fellowship and friendship, providing opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment, and having fun.

Our activities include:

  • Creating Sunday brunches with engaging speakers and delicious food;
  • Developing the Temple’s annual fun-filled Chanukah Carnival and supporting the Purim Carnival by erecting and dismantling game booths and providing delicious food;
  • Ushering during the High Holidays;
  • Conducting an annual Brotherhood Service;
  • Arranging for the purchase and distribution of Yom Hashoah candles to the congregation to help commemorate the Holocaust and to create an opportunity for congregants to discuss it with their children and grandchildren;
  • Erecting and taking down our own large Sukkah during Sukkot;
  • Putting on an annual Texas Hold’em Tournament, including a delicious lunch and generous prizes;
  • Supporting the Temple youth programs and providing annual first and last day of religious school barbecues; and
  • Contributing generously to our Temple, and promoting Reform Judaism;

We continually strive to add to and improve our activities. Our Board meetings are usually held on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Temple, or on Zoom. All Brotherhood members are welcome to attend.

The Brotherhood recently implemented a voluntary dues structure. All men who are new Temple members are automatically Brotherhood members during their first year.

Beth David Brotherhood Board 2024-2025

TreasurerJeff LeBoff
SecretaryGreg Korduner
Vice President, MembershipJerrold Korn
Vice President, ProgrammingCharlie Niederman
Ways and MeansJerrold Korn
CarnivalAaron Kern
Director at LargeJoel Berman
FacilitiesRobin Harrison
Social ActionLeonard Silberman
PublicityDan Gary
HistorianLee Netzer
Culinary/CateringLee Netzer / Howard Tobey
Dining Delight Charlie Niederman
Good and Welfare Jack Collender
Religious PracticeElliot Semmelman
School/YouthAdam Bernstein
MRJ Liaison Chairman Charlie Niederman
Past PresidentLee Netzer
Director at Large Garry Plotkin
Director at LargeRobert Laham
Director EmeritusGene Broscow

Click here for David Metz Sesame Salmon Recipe