Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

President Andrea Chait
Vice President – Operations David Baroway
Co-Vice Presidents – Ways & Means Faith Pantel & Eileen Tobey
Vice President – Finance Neil Kornswiet
Membership Kelley Haynes
Vice President, Education Rachel Brenneman
Vice President, Planning & Development Alan Jarrick
Vice President, Religious Practices Robin Harrison
Secretary Jonathan Rothschild
Treasurer Mitchell Geller
Past President Eric Schiffer
Adult Education Co-Trustees Charlie Niederman
Building & Grounds Steve Kahn
Program Trustee Mulu Harrison
Publicity Trustee (Online) Sarah Gipoor
Publicity Trustee (Print) Michelle Sandler
Social Action Michelle Singleton
Youth Activities Sharon Bloch
Choir Co-Presidents Bob Altman & Marlyn Phillips
Brotherhood President Lee Netzer
Sisterhood President Sue LeBoff