Youth are doing Jewish this Summer

Posted on July 3, 2019

Youth are doing Jewish this summer

July/ August megillah 2019

Going away to overnight Jewish camp has been recognized as a great way to inculcate Jewish values and strong identities in youth.  On, it’s written, “Jewish summer camps fuse the activities, friendships, and communal life of traditional camps with the Jewish values, role models and culture our shared heritage. This uniquely immersive experience provides a confidence-building opportunity in which campers experience joy and discovery in a communal Jewish setting.”

We have some youth from our congregation going away to camp and others will be having some unique Jewish experiences. These are the ones I know of.  Hoping your child will get to do Jewish next summer!

Camp Newman: Ari & Kai Fitzer, Jessa Kleinman, and Elizabeth Halbreich are spending two weeks at our URJ leadership camp in Northern CA at the Cal State Maritime campus. 

  • Kai writes, “Thank you, Temple Beth David, for helping us to be able to go to an overnight Jewish camp to connect with our religion, and make friends and memories that will last a lifetime.”
  • Ari writes, “I hope to get back the same enjoyment I got the first time I went there.”
  • Jessa writes, “This will be my fourth summer going to Camp Newman. I look forward to it throughout the entire year.”
  • Elizabeth writes, “I had an ever better time last year than the year before and I am ecstatic to return this year to all of my friends.”
  • Rabbi Myers: I continue to be impressed with the excitement of our youth in being at camp and learning about Judaism. (I’ll be there the first two week in July)

6-points Sci Tech:  Jacob Cantus is returning to our URJ camp in LA this summer.

  • Jacob writes, “I want to go to overnight Jewish summer camp because it’s really fun. I liked the Erev Big Bang.  This was a science experience very night.  I had so much fun and can’t wait to go back again!”

Camp Gilboa Habonim:  McKenzie Pantel will be going for a whole month!

  • She writes, “First of all, it’s a great way to learn about Judaism…the bonds at camp are unlike any other made.”

Israel: Shane Prunty is going on the month long NFTY in Israel trip. 

  • He writes, “I am looking forward to exploring the culture of Israeli Jews and learning more about my Jewish identity through it.”

Maccabi games: Vivian Halbreich is going to Detroit in August to compete in softball. Hayden Nguyen will be playing soccer in Atlanta. 

  • Vivian explained to me that she is looking forward to having new Jewish experiences especially while doing something she loves.
  • Hayden is excited to play soccer with other Jewish girls from around the world in an Olympic like experience.  She is hoping to learn soccer skills from players from other countries that she can then teach her team.

I’m looking forward, as I’m sure you are, to hearing about our youth’s experiences this summer.